Waiver of Immunity Must Be Proven
Waiver of sovereign immunity in Georgia is limited at the county level to the limit of insurance for claims of injury related to use of a...
Georgia Supreme Court Expands the Settlement Conditions That May Be Imposed Upon Insurers
On March 6, 2017, a divided Georgia Supreme Court held that an insured is not precluded from demanding timely payment as a condition of...
Claims Against a Jail’s Care Contractor Dismissed Even after a Failure to Complete Required Forms
The Superior Court of Fulton County dismissed claims against Corizon, Fulton County Jail’s care contractor, for failing to adequately...
Officer Given Qualified Immunity Even When Acting Against His Training
The Eleventh Circuit seems to have broadened the reach of qualified immunity for government officials. Dukes v. Nicholas, No. 15-14373,...
Georgia Courts want Reports and Records, not Deliberate Indifference
The Georgia Court of Appeals recently reaffirmed the high burden of proof required in a § 1983 claim. McKuhen v. TransformHealthRX,...