Apportionment Statute Held Applicable to Non-Party Employers Under the Theory of Negligent Entrustme
In an action arising out of a car accident, both drivers blamed each other for the accident; however, plaintiff, Zaldivar, also blamed...
Georgia Courts Clarify Qualified Immunity for Police Officers
In an interlocutory appeal, the Court of Appeals granted summary judgment in favor of two officers in a malicious prosecution claim. The...
Claims against Employers for Employee’s Attack on Patient Survive Summary Judgment
A recent decision by the Georgia Court of Appeals in Little-Thomas v. Select Specialty Hospital-Augusta, Inc. (Case No. A15A0606),...
Change to the Standard for Evaluating Excessive Force Claims … More to Come?
Overshadowed by more politicized decisions issued in the last session, the United States Supreme Court also issued an opinion affecting...
Are Changes to Overtime Law Coming?
Earlier this month, the Department of Labor announced a proposed rule that would extend overtime protection to an estimated 5 million...